First post 
Saturday, October 21, 2006, 04:28 PM - Blog
Here it is, my first post on my new (first) blog.
I finally decided to set up a blog, in order to be able to voice my opinion and express my ideas about things that do not fit into

I wanted to have a simple flat file blog, in order to retrieve its data in an easier way than using a mysql database. I finally settled up on simplePhpBlog. I first tested it on a local AMP stack, and everything was fine. However, when installing on my webhost, it was clearly not working properly. I lost a few hours figuring out how to have it working. The answer is simply because if you are hosted on, then you first need to create yourself a "sessions" directory at the root of your website.

Now, I still have to set up a few links so this blog will be reachable from my personnal page.
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